Hi, how are you.. I’m Lee Eunjoo, an aromatic therapist:) I’m going to explain the essential oils that help manage blood pressure. Before that, I’ll give you a basic explanation of blood pressure first! NORMAL VALUE OF BLOOD PRESSURE AND METHOD FOR PREVENTING AND MANAGING HYPERT

Let’s see what blood pressure means in order to know the normal level of blood pressure:) What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the pressure that blood from the heart pushes out the arterial wall. In a word, it’s a measure of the strength of the blood

Blood pressure types include maximum blood pressure (systolic blood pressure) and minimum blood pressure (diastolic blood pressure or relaxation blood pressure).Systolic blood pressure is the blood pressure when the heart contracts and sends blood to the arterial blood vessels, which is the highest at this time. And relaxation blood pressure refers to blood pressure when the heart expands and accepts blood, which is the lowest. normal age-specific blood pressure
The normal blood pressure level is less than 120/80 mmHg.
As you get older, your blood vessels lose elasticity and narrow, causing blood pressure to rise, and the normal blood pressure range is generally defined as less than 120/80 mmHg regardless of age.Some medical scientists refer to Swiss BPRule as “half the age of 100+” as the ideal blood pressure (Messerli FH, 2018).
1. Wellton PK, Carey RM, Aronow, WS, Casey DE, Collins KJ, Himmelfarb CD, et al. Guidelines for preventing, detecting, and evaluating 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACS/APHA/ASSC/NMA/PCNA, Management of hypertension in adults: A report on the clinical practice guidelines of the American Heart Association/Special Committee of the American Heart Association. Jam Coll Cardiolです. 2018;71(19):e127–e248.

It’s a classification of high blood pressure
It’s a classification of high blood pressure

Source: 2022 Guidelines for the Treatment of Hypertension – Korean Society for Hypertension
However, high blood pressure guidelines in most countries, including Japan and Europe, maintain the existing 140/90 mmHg or higher as the standard for high blood pressure, judging that the loss of patients’ anxiety or social discrimination is higher than the gain.It is recommended to provide lifestyle therapy to prevent hypertension and cardiovascular accidents regardless of country, rather than prescribing medicine immediately if it exceeds normal blood pressure range, so it is important to make efforts to maintain normal blood pressure through eating habits and exercise! 🙂 Trends and distribution of the number of hypertension patients in Korea (2018-2022)

High blood pressure that occurs without cause in high blood pressure is called essential high blood pressure, and it accounts for about 95% of patients with total blood pressure.If there is a cause, it is called secondary hypertension, which is about 5% of patients with total blood pressure, and it is said that it can be cured by treating the cause.
Source: Statistics on diseases and medical practices in daily life – Health Insurance Review and Assessment ServiceAccording to the data from 2018 to 2022, the number of hypertension patients in Korea and the resulting medical expenses are increasing every year.Source: Statistics on diseases and medical practices in daily life – Health Insurance Review and Assessment ServiceIn 2022, the number of hypertension patients in their 60s is the highest, and it can be confirmed that the proportion of women is much higher at older ages. complication of high blood pressureHypertension Complications – Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDCHigh blood pressure can harm various organs of the body.Most of them don’t have any particular symptoms, but sometimes they show headaches, palpitations, and difficulty breathing.It can cause serious damage to important organs such as the heart, brain, kidneys, and eyes, which can lead to complications such as heart failure and heart disease, stroke and brain problems, and kidney disease.In many cases, managing blood pressure can reduce the risk of serious health problems.If you look at the vasodilatation above, you can clearly see the difference between normal blood vessels and narrow, hard blood vessels with damaged blood vessels – how to prevent and manage hypertensionMost people with high blood pressure can either lower their blood pressure to a healthy range or keep it healthy by changing their lifestyle. 1. At least 150 minutes of physical activity each week (about 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week) 2. Smoking cessation 3. Sodium (salt) and alcohol restriction 4. Healthy diet 5. Healthy weight maintenance 6. Stress management 7. Sleeping well at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDCIt’s not limited to high blood pressure, but you should follow the lifestyle of your stomach and be careful not to raise your blood pressure! REFERENCESEttehad D、Emdin CA、Kiran A、Anderson SG、Callender T、Emberson J、Charmers J、Rodgers A、Rahimi Kです.The decrease blood pressure for cardiovascular disease and death:systematic review and metadata. Lancet 2016;387:957- 967.Message RollS.How many games in guidelines: How much is the number of games?Energy Smart J 2018; 39:2241.224.